— Hulk Hogan to wrestle NEW ZEALAND/Talks BOBBY ROODE!
FEB 20th, 2012 Hulkamaniacs rejoice! King of big time wrestling Hulk Hogan plans to to visit New Zealand. Hogan – real name Terry Bollea – wants to let his Kiwi fans see him and his TNA (Total Nonstop Action Wrestling) co-stars competing live. TNA Impact Wrestling started screening this month on Sky TV channel the BOX. “I know we are new in the marketplace there and we really want to make a good footprint everywhere we go,” Hogan told Sunday News from Orlando, Florida.“And since the response has been so incredible already from your country, we really want to follow it up. “We not only want to send the show there and make sure everybody knows about us and sees and loves the show, but we also want to come to the marketplace there and service the people with a live show. “You tell me when your next summer is and that’s when I’ll be there. “If you guys get the show red-hot and the numbers and ratings go through the roof, we’ll be there a lot quicker.” Hogan said he had been eager to visit New Zealand after being told about it by Kiwi professional wrestlers Butch Miller and Luke Williams, who starred as tag team the Bushwhackers.”I haven’t been to New Zealand before but we are really looking forward to coming over, having you take us around your beautiful country and showing us the sights. “My friends Butch and Luke – the Bushwhackers, who I worked with all through the 80s and 90s – have told me all about how beautiful the place is. “They talked to me several times back then about coming down for a visit but I was so busy wrestling and running around chasing my tail doing TV shows and kids movies and stuff that I never had a chance to come your way.” The 2.01m, 137kg 12-time world professional wrestling champion is impressed by our national game.”I’ve heard all about the All Black rugby team. They are tougher than the football players here in America, that’s what I do know. “They play without pads, it’s non-stop and they just keep hittin’. They seem to hit high, they seem to hit low, and they seem to be able to do everything. “They are a whole different breed of athlete – they are really something.” At 58, the wrestler, movie star, TV personality and singer is still a very busy man. “It’s getting really crazy again. I had a bunch of back surgeries … but I’m back on my feet now, I’m training and every once in a while I’ll jump in the ring and Hulk up on some people.”I got remarried and I’ve got a young wife who is 36 years old. She kinda puts a little spring in my step, you know. “I’m busy with TNA and here in the United States, I do a bunch of endorsements and commercials and life is really good. “But I gotta say, TNA and Impact Wrestling is my main focus now.”Hogan is a six-time WWF/WWE Champion, six-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and former WWE World Tag Team Champion. “I’ve been around since 1977 and I love this business; it’s in my blood. “I was a bad guy for a while, then a good guy for a while and I think the fans saw the [TV] reality show, Hogan Knows Best, and saw that I was a dad and a husband, and that I had the normal problems like everybody else does with paying the bills and that sort of thing,” he said.On if he delayed Bobby Roode’s title run: “That’s true. Because he was… this is just my opinion and this is just a gut feeling — trying to look at the company and what was best for the company. I sat home and I saw his parents telling the world what a good boy he was and his wife telling the world how great of a husband he was and his kids telling the world how great of a dad he was. He’s the ultimate good guy and all of a sudden, he’s going to win the belt. And then what?” “Who’s he going to wrestle? Plain, white, milk toast. And I sat back and I watched it and I went, ‘Oh, my God. You guys have accidentally done one of the best old school angles I’ve ever seen.’ Let’s let his parents and everybody say how great he is and then turn him heel. You’ve got the perfect set up. Family, mother, grandfather, kids, police men — everybody saying how great he is… Turn him heel, give him that edge and then he’ll have everybody to work with. I mean, it just made sense.”
full credit goes to http://www.wrestlinginc.com and Stuff.co.nz — Hulk Hogan.co.uk is back!! – HULK HOGAN in TNA!
April 12th, 2011 Hulk Hogan.co.uk as not been updated in 15 months but is back with some update news On the big man!! Hulk Hogan is now in TNA and the company may be driving Hulkamania in a new direction!!
Hulk Hogan believes TNA is turning the corner. On Thursday, TNA superstar Hulk Hogan publicly praised TNA as he believes the company is heading in the right direction. Hogan, who’s taken over the creative team, made the following comments via his Twitter page: “The taping of TNA on Tuesday was awesome ,feels like we’re starting to ride the big waves again HH”
I will try and keep you Hulkamaniacs updated as much as I can but my life today is soo busy But hulk Hogan.co.uk will never die~~
November 22, 2009 Dot Net reader Heath Millar attended the Hulkamania Tour show in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday and filed the following report. Ric Flair had a promo earlier in the night and talked about wanting to get out of Hulk Hogan’s shadow. There was food fan reaction to the promo with constant “wooos” from the crowd. Flair entered to his standard theme song, which was a nice change from the other wrestlers. He got a good reception, no boos but not near what Hogan would get minutes later.
Hulk cut his promo straight after Flair’s entrance. It was the closest Hogan got to reliving his old form. He really played the Aussie crowd well and pumped up the attack from flair at the press conference. Hulks entrance music was not either of the two that fans are familiar with, which spoiled the entrance somewhat. Regardless, he still got a standing and rousing ovation. Once the match got under way, Hulk threw Flair to the ground on consecutive clinches to display his strength advantage. Flair then challenged Hulk to a test of strength, much to Hogan’s amusement. Hulk powered Flair to the ground to again win the battle of strength.
The match spilled out of the ring with both men receiving cuts after being slammed into the crowd barriers. Flair looked to be fake as he was covered in blood too quickly. Flair gained control through dirty tricks including two low blows. Throughout the match, Hogan treated the fans to two “Hulking up” displays and a couple of finger shakes, which was really enjoyed by the crowd. Both men were slow moving and looked their age, but the crowd was still heavily engaged and enjoying their first taste of Hogan and Flair. One complaint would be that Hogan didn’t finish flair off with the leg drop. Rather, he gave flair a receipt for a prior attack with brass knuckles (which led to the pin).
OCTOBER 27, 2009 For the first time ever, Wrestling Legend Hulk Hogan will tour Australia. His new event HULKAMANIA – Let the Battle Begin, will be playing arenas in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney, November 2009. For over two decades the name Hulk Hogan has been synonymous with sports entertainment and …
Hulk Hogan has announced his first tour of Australia. The “Hulkamania – Let the Battle Begin” tour feature four arena shows in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney in late November, with tickets going on sale September 24th. “I have been blessed with the opportunity to perform in front of fans around the world,” Hogan is quoted as saying in a press release. “I have always wanted to perform in Australia as I have heard Aussies are some of the greatest wrestling fans ever. I am grateful for this opportunity, and hope that this is just the beginning of a great thing!”
Some of the names set to appear include former WWE superstars Ken Anderson, Umaga, Rikishi, Orlando Jordan, Gangrel, Val Venis and the Godfather. Former WWE developmental diva Lacy Von Eric is also booked to appear. Several of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff’s friends are also rumored for the tour, including Diamond Dallas Page, Brutus Beefcake the Nasty Boys. The biggest selling point, however, will be the opportunity to see two of the biggest legends in wrestling history returning to the ring to renew an old rivalry. It was rumored last week that Ric Flair was in negotiations to wrestle Hulk Hogan on at least one of the shows of the tour. According to PWInsider.com, a source close to Ric Flair has confirmed that the Nature Boy will indeed be coming out of retirement to wrestle Hulk Hogan on the tour.
Hulk Hogan.co.uk will be covering the coverage of The Hulkamania tour, so keep checking back Hulkamaniacs!!!
— Hogan wips Ortans ass
July 22nd, 2006 Randy Orton has earned his reputation as the “Legend Killer” by taking out some of the biggest Superstars in sports-entertainment history. At SummerSlam, Orton will try to conquer arguably the biggest legend of them all: WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan.
At Saturday Night’s Main Event on July 15, Orton interrupted a special appearance by Hogan and his daughter Brooke. However, he was very respectful, and even brought Brooke a rose. He then “respectfully challenged” Hogan to a match at SummerSlam, which the Hulkster respectfully accepted. The two then shook hands, and all seemed well.
Until later that night, that is. As Orton and Brooke conversed, the Hulkster interrupted and brushed the Legend Killer aside. But after Hogan helped his daughter into their car, Orton snuck up from behind and gave him an RKO, sending the Hall of Famer face-first into the trunk of the car. As Brooke ran out to tend to her father, Orton walked away with a sly grin on his face.
— Hulk Hogan vs Orton at Summerslam?/Full Sun Interview
July 2nd, 2006 A deal is being put together that would bring Hulk Hogan back on WWE television. He would engage in a feud with Randy Orton. A Hogan vs. Orton match is tentatively scheduled to take place at SummerSlam. When Orton did some media appearances in the UK last week, he believed that his match with Hogan would be taking place at Wrestlemania, but it looks like it will be rushed for SummerSlam. An angle was teased on RAW last Monday when Brooke Hogan’s music video aired, and then WWE quickly cut to a backstage shot of Orton smirking as he was watching the monitor. The basic gist of the angle is that Orton would psychotically pursue Brooke. This would lead to Hulk Hogan coming out to defend his daughter. WWE may even run with Randy Orton and Brooke Hogan becoming an onscreen couple – which of course would drive The Hulkster crazy. The latter scenerio would seem far too rushed to be ready for SummerSlam, however, its being said that the angle is being hotshotted at this point.
Everyone besides Hulk (her record label, publicists, etc…) is said to be negative towards the angle. The angle would bring her an incredible level of exposure, however, WWE has a negative stigma. The feeling is that if she goes through with the angle, it will give her an even more difficult time of being taken seriously in the music industry because most people see her as a publicity stunt (being Hogan’s daughter). If she appears on a wrestling show, she will probably become more of a joke of an act in the eyes of people outside of professional wrestling. Also note, Hogan’s WWE contract gives him full creative control on both angles and finishes. source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
I have now added the Full Interview of Hulk being interviewed by the UK newspaper Sun.
— Hogan On Jay Leno Recap
May 14th, 2006 Jay Leno plugs “Hogan Knows Best” which airs Sundays on VH1, and then introduces Hogan and his family. Hogan tells Leno he is still mad at him for beating him in wrestling. Leno says he beat him 10 years ago, but they raised $1 million for charity.
Hogan then introduces his family. Leno asks Brooke if she is 17 now.. and turning 18 Friday? Leno jokes for her to come back on Friday when the old man isn’t around. Leno asks Hogan what he does when the guys come and try to get her. Hogan says he is trying to loosen up now that she is turning 18. Leno notes that Nick is a car guy. He says that a week ago he drove a car and if things go good, he can be driving for Dodge.
Leno asks the family how they can put cameras in the house to make this reality show. Hogan says it was tough, but it was his wife’s idea. Hogan says that at first it was just to plug Brooke’s music career. They had a vote with the family and the family agreed but him. Hogan says that he had enough of the cameras and wanted a little privacy, but they like the show. Leno asks if they ever forgot that there were cameras in the house. Hogan says he and his wife were getting a massage on their anniversary. They made friends with the camera crew and production crew. The couple went to the top roof and asks his wife if they take off their underwear, and she said whatever. He took it off and began swinging it. His wife says he forgot the cameras weren’t rolling because the crew weren’t there. Leno joked that of everybody in his family, Hogan is the least person he wanted to see naked. Leno asks how long the couple have been married: 22 years. Leno asks what the secret is to keeping Hogan happy: cooking… a lot.
Speaking of food, Leno asks Hogan if this was true. Hogan was offered the George Foreman grill idea but he passed the idea. Hogan made an excuse that he wasn’t home at the time and his wife forgot to tell him that somebody called to offer him the idea. By the time Hogan called back, Foreman took the grill and $400 million dollars later, George is smiling ear to ear. Hogan is now coming out with a grill. He jokes that it is better than Foreman’s grill. Hogan brings out a “Hulk Hogan Engergy Drink.” Hogan makes Leno taste it and he says it’s Sprite… Hogan says thank you, it tastes great. Leno jokes that he is still laughing about the Foreman grill.
Leno asks how he keeps from spoiling the kids. Do they have credit cards? He says they do. The wife says that she just took Nick’s credit card last week and sometimes they have too much and forget where they came from. Leno plugs the show some more time and the segment is over.
— Hogan Claims He Will Not Be At WrestleMania!/Fast Chat
April 1st, 2006 Hulk Hogan told Bubba The Love Sponge Wednesday that he will not be appearing at the WWE WrestleMania PPV this Sunday. According to Hogan, following the Hall Of Fame Ceremony, he will be flying to Long Beach, California to take part in a race with his son. He will then be flown back to Chicago for RAW on Monday. Hogan said that Vince McMahon proposed an angle for the show that will involve Hogan and Steve Austin; he did not elaborate further.
March 10th, 2006 In yet another interview with Bubba The Love Sponge, Hulk Hogan said that his only scheduled role for WrestleMania weekend is to induct “Mean” Gene Okerlund into the Hall Of Fame. Hogan told Vince recently, “If anything comes up interesting, match wise or an opponent, give me a shout-out and we’ll see if we can hook it up.” The Hulkster said he has yet to hear back about a match possibility. Reports, however, suggest that Hulk Hogan turned down the possibility of a “Legends Match” with Greg “The Hammer” Valentine. Other reports state that WWE was, at one point, looking into running either Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show or Hulk Hogan vs. Dalip. It is not known if he was ever actually offered one of those opponents. VH1 will bring back Hulk Hogan’s “Hogan Knows Best” reality show after a successul run first season last year. The second season will air on Sunday, March 19 at 10/9C – a part of an all-new season of “Celebreality.” The tag line of the show is “Overprotective is an understatement.”
— Hulk News!!!
Feb 8th, 2006 Hulk Hogan was located in Hollywood AT the Grammys . He has had no recent talks with WWE about appearing at WrestleMania 22. Toyfare announced that in Issue 105 of the Magazine (available in March) they will be offering two exclusive Hulk Hogan action figures. The first being his “first appearance” Terry “The Hulk” Boulder figure (ultra rare limited to 100 pieces) and an Old School Hulk Hogan in Tuxedo figure limited to 3000 pieces. Both these look very cool.
— More about what hulk said on BUBA!!!
January 13th, 2006 Hulk Hogan was on Bubba The Love Sponge debut on Howard Stern’s Sirius channel 101. He said he wants to go at it with Steve Austin at WrestleMania, but has not talked to Vince McMahon since around SummerSlam. He said that he hears that a few higher-ups in the WWE office are souring Vince on the idea. Bubba responded that Vince should get it in gear soon because Mania looks weak and they are running out of time to put together a good show. Hogan used Sirius’ uncensored broadcast to curse several time and used the phrase “faggot” when describing Bubba’s thank you to Hogan for being such a loyal friend. Bubba also spent a lot of time dissing Randy Savage for Hogan’s “feud” and played an audio tape of Randy and Hogan on his show from years ago, which triggered a lot of Savage’s animosity towards Hogan.
— Hulk speaks bout austin/Other Hogan news!!!
January 10th, 2006 Earlier today, Hulk Hogan was on Bubba The Love Sponge. Not much coming out of it other than Hogan confirming that there was talk of a Hogan / Austin match at Wrestlemania. Unfortunately since around Summerslam, Hogan has not heard any updates about the match at all. There will be a new Hulk Hogan DVD released by WWE on April 4, 2006. According to reports, Hulk Hogan was spotted hobbling on crutches at a party in Miami that his daughter Brooke was signing at. It is possible that Hogan may have blown out his knee again. Hulk Hogan twisted his angle during filming of “Little Hercules,” and has been using crutches.
— Hogan VS Austin more details
Nov 29th, 2005 Things between Austin and WWE seem to have been patched up, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. The company is still hoping for the big Hogan vs. Austin for WrestleMania. As you can imagine, booking negotiations between those two would certainly be interesting. When Hogan vs. Michaels was being booked before SummerSlam, we covered the entire booking process of going back and forth where the finish wasn’t decided until almost the last minute. Hogan vs. Austin, if it goes through, would be an even more drawn out and complicated process. Austin is said to be less keen on doing the match than Hogan. One of the reasons that’s suspected for this is that Austin feels Hogan has more pull in the company, due to Austin’s physical condition and the fact he cannot work often. However with Hogan’s physical condition not too well either, many look at it as an equal battle. Right now it looks like the filming of Austin’s movie, The Condemned, would be right around WrestleMania time. This is another factor that makes Austin not want to go through with it, as working on two big projects at once could put the quality of his work at risk. Austin did suffer a wrenched lower back and an inflamed sciatic nerve when moving furniture, his physical condition right now is unknown.
— More on Hogan VS Austin and more
Nov 23rd, 2005 Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan for Wrestlemania is probably less than 50/50. WWE is still hopeful of a Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 22. Hulk and his daughter Brooke recieved a bashing in the tabloids next week. There are photos and negative blurbs in both the National Enquirer and Star on 11/28. For a guy thats working his ass off trying to get his daughter somewhere in life is disrespectful by these tabloids.
— New Domain/New Forum
Nov 23rd, 2005 — Hogan VS Austin?!
Nov 14th, 2005 To the average fan, what transpired during Hulk Hogan’s promo on RAW Homecoming would imply that a match between Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan was confirmed. That is not the case. In fact, according to sources, Steve Austin had absolutely no idea WWE would run the tease on last night’s show. While Hulk Hogan is said to be enthusiastic about working said money match, Steve Austin, who is not a fan of Hogan, is not excited by the prospect. Many believe that even if the two sides did come to terms, determining an outcome would be an extremely large hurdle, as neither has any interest in losing. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that Steve Austin’s head is not nearly as consumed by wrestling as it once was. Sources say that Steve Austin simply worked his angle and left Raw that night, hardly showing passion in participating in WWE’s product. For the past few years, the prospect of Austin vs. Hogan has been an ongoing wrestling message board discussion topic. And, while many believe it inevitably will happen, one should not take last night’s RAW angle as “proof” of it being on the cards.
— Hogan in hercules 3D!!!
Nov 14th, 2005 Hulk Hogan is currently shooting a movie called “Little Hercules in 3D”. The crew from Hogan’s reality show had been there filming it. Big Show also has a part in the flick.
— Hogan and vince join up, to speaks Wrestling!!!
Sept 29th, 2005 Vince and Linda McMahon, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin were the guests on CNBC’s “The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch” last night. The whole idea of their appearances was to plug Monday’s move to USA. Deutsch referred to it a few times as “rasslin'”, which no doubt made Vince’s day. The first guest on the show was Hulk Hogan, who appeared via satellite. Deutsch said that the recent episode of his show where he had Hogan and his family on to push “Hogan Knows Best” was one of their best and highest rated programs. Hogan said that his show works because they are “normal and real”. He acted as if none of it was scripted and that they were just normal people in regular everyday situations. OK Hulkster, whatever you say. Deutsch asked what made Hogan come back to wrestling at 52. Hogan said that Vince McMahon called him and they were going to “re-launch the brand”, since Hogan was older and had knee and hip replacement. The idea was that his competing days were done, so they were going to take his character in a new direction. He said that from there he found out his brand was still strong and that his body could hold up to wrestling, so he came back. When asked what has made Hulk so popular, he said it’s because he was a good wholesome character that people identified with, a hero. He said that he thought we were past needing that kind of guy, then 9/11 happened and with hatred everywhere, the character still works. Donny said that his character is about hope and All-American ideals. Hogan said that in WCW, he turned heel because that is what the fans wanted at the time, but they “got sick of the negativity” and it’s come full circle today.
— Hogan vs austin?
Sept 5th, 2005 There was a brief interview in the Ottawa Sun yesterday with Hulk Hogan. The main highlight of the interview was Hogan speculating that could work a match against Steve Austin at next year’s WrestleMania. “I don’t know where his head is at with wrestling,” said Hogan. As previously reported, there is a lot of backstage talk about a Hogan-Austin match at WrestleMania next year.
— Hogan knows best season finale/MTV Awards!
Sept 2nd, 2005 The preview for the Hogan Knows Best season finale states “After 25 years on the road wrestling, Hulk has always had an outlet for his energy and aggression by body-slamming people nightly. Now that he’s home, he’s bored and antsy — and driving his family nuts. Brooke, Nick and Linda all try to find Hulk a hobby. First Hulk tries golf at an exclusive country club — but he’s much too tense for that. Next he tries tennis, but ends up drinking beer on the court with a buddy. Finally, Brooke suggests Pilates…”
The Hogans were present at last Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards.
Hulk Hogan and daughter Brooke pose during arrivals for the MTV Video Music Awards in Miami August 28, 2005.
— Hulk vs Cena/ESPN! August 24th, 2005 Hulk Hogan was referred to this morning on ESPNews when comparing him to NASCAR driver Tony Stewart. They said that Hogan was an icon and Stewart was approaching icon status and that each had a big event last Sunday.
Hulk Hogan is not expected to make a return any time soon. WWE currently has no plans for him, although it can be assumed that he will make an eventual return when the time is right.
One backstage source speculated that Vince made a deal with Hogan that if he were to get the clean win over Michaels at SummerSlam, he would eventually have to job cleanly to John Cena, prospectively at WrestleMania 22. With Hogan going clean over Michaels, and then Cena going clean over Hogan (after Michaels wasn’t able to), it would help to further elevate Cena. If that was the deal between Vince and Hogan, enabling Hogan to take advantage of his “creative control” stipulation and get the clean win over Shawn, it is unknown whether or not Michaels was even aware of it.
John Cena is clearly seen by Vince as the best chance he has of creating a new top tier draw. Both Batista and Randy Orton are seen way lower than Cena in the eyes of Mr. McMahon.
— Hulk Defeats HBK/Rematch!!! August 22nd, 2005 In one of the most anticipated matches in SummerSlam history, Hulk Hogan defeated Shawn Michaels. Late in the match, a bloodied Hogan managed to escape a Sharpshooter and kick out of the combination of a flying elbow and Sweet Chin Music.
Hogan then delivered a big boot and leg drop to finish HBK off. After the match, the two men shook hands with HBK telling Hogan he needed this match to find out for himself. What he found out was that Hulk Hogan still has it. Kevin Nash is telling friends that he was asked to appear at WWE Summerslam. Nash, who rejected the offer, would have screwed Hulk Hogan out of the match to help Shawn Michaels win.
– Although rumors suggested that Hulk Hogan might work Unforgiven against either Shawn Michaels or HHH, neither appears likely at this point. The rumors that HHH would return to wrestle Hogan were said to lack foundation, and the Summerslam outcome certainly didn’t suggest plans for a follow-up match between Hogan and Michaels.
— Hulk recap Interactive Interview!!! August 19th, 2005
The following is a brief recap of Hulk Hogan’s interview with “The Interactive Interview.” – Hulk Hogan explained that he’s able to get over without doing anything high-risk because of his rapport with the fans and ability to work intelligently. If he were able to jump off a cage or do a dropkick, he would make sure the spot counted and made sense. – The Hulkster is a bit nervous about wrestling Shawn Michaels at Summerslam, aware of the possibility that it could be his last match. “You’re only as good as your last match so if I go out there and fall on my face with Shawn Michaels without ever getting to redeem myself, it’s a sad end to a 25 year career,” Hogan said.
– Hogan believes his reality show is so successful because it gives America the chance to watch a normal family with realistic problems. – While The Rock and Austin had good runs with consistent opponents, Hogan believes that his true gift was his staying power and his ability to successfully adapt to many different opponents.
– Unable to fully comment on the Russo incident, Hogan denied claims that it was a fully planned work. – Hogan put over Stephanie McMahon’s delivery of good material for the current storyline with HBK. He also believes that despite HBK’s finding God, Shawn Michaels’ promo from RAW indicates that he still possesses demons inside. – In reponse to Randy Savage’s challenge, Hulk Hogan reminded the interviewers and listeners of the heavily-reported incident in TNA: “[He] told everybody for 3 years that he was going to kick my butt. I ran into him in Orlando, walked right up to him, offered to shake his hand – he wouldn’t shake my hand, didn’t want to go outside. He just sat in his chair and shook for 30 minutes scared to death.”
— Hulk speaks on hbk!!! August 13th, 2005
The Canadian Press ran a national story about Hulk Hogan and his match with Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam. Hogan said the match at SummerSlam is “About me. This is my time. I’ve always been the man. I don’t mean to sound pompous, but it’s true.” Hogan also claimed Michaels went against the script on the Larry King deal. surely after reading this, WWE have to give Hulk 1 last win to have him leave the WWE in true honour!!!
— Happy 52nd Birthday Hulk/Hogan series coming to uk!!! August 11th, 2005
I would like to wish from me and u Hulkamaniacs a very Happy 52nd Birthday to Hulk Hogan!!!
I have finally discovered that VH1 in Ireland and Great Britain will be airing Hulk Hogan’s reality series “Hogan Knows Best” in October
— Now whatcha gonna do HBK!!! August 9th, 2005
Only 13 days from their historic SummerSlam match, the legendary Hulk Hogan and “The Icon” Shawn Michaels went face to face in a scathing confrontation. Michaels declared that none of The Hulkster’s personality or showmanship “will amount to a hill of beans at SummerSlam.” He added that he’s “going to be the first guy who doesn’t buckle under the image of Hulk Hogan.” But Hogan fired back with some searing comments of his own, calling HBK the “king of cheap shots and backstabbing” and even evoking memories of the infamous Montreal Incident by saying, “As far as casting stones, all I’d have to do is call up Bret Hart.” Fans immediately voiced their opinions by chanting, “You screwed Bret!” Michaels immediately responded by telling the crowd, “Don’t you forget it.” Then, he pointed at Hogan and told him he was next. Michaels effectively ended the event by KO’ing moderator Jerry Lawler with Sweet Chin Music, seemingly just as a means of intimidation. But Hogan went on the offensive, hitting the big boot and launching Michaels over the top rope. The two were still exchanging words when RAW went off the air. Meanwhile, hometown Hero Kurt Angle may not have won back his Olympic gold medal on RAW from Pittsburgh, but he will get a match against Eugene at SummerSlam. After Eugene won this week’s Invitational by disqualification, Angle got Bischoff to make the pay-per-view match — and this time there will be no time limit. Angle even declared that he’d end Eugene’s career on Aug. 21, just for kicks. Angle couldn’t believe it when referee Mike Chioda DQ’d him amid confusion over an inadvertent collision, and he took out that frustration on Eugene. He hit an Angle Slam, but that prompted none other than Hulk Hogan to storm the ring and break things up. Hulkamania then ran wild through the Mellon Arena as The Hulkster and Eugene posed for the crowd. And in response, Hulk Hogan will face Kurt Angle next week on RAW.
— Hulk face to face with hbk on raw next week!!! August 2nd, 2005
Announced on RAW last night was Hulk Hogan and HBK face to face in the ring. Hogan has been scheduled for RAW next week and has been for several weeks now.
–Update!!! July 29th, 2005
I have now uploaded most of the pictures i lost from the UKIP bug and added some Interviews with Hulk on Larry King and from Maxim Magazine, go to Info then click on articles and interviews to read full Interviews.
–Hulk on Jimmy Kimmel live!!! July 29th, 2005
Hulk was the first guest of the night and was introduced as being so popular 20 years ago that he had his face on lunchboxes, mugs, and even on other people’s faces. Jimmy made mention of ‘Hogan Knows Best’ and plugged SummerSlam before bringing Hulk out to a barrage of cheers. Hogan did his trademark poses and got Jimmy to do some as the crowd cheered, clapped, showed their Hulkamania t-shirts and bowed to him. Hulk went over to his family sitting in the front row and took their hands. The family said hi to Jimmy and Hulk made mention that they saw him cruising around the pool at the Palms in Las Vegas last week. Jimmy said he was dashing for the nachos and saw Hulk in the center of the pool with tons of people congregating towards him. Jimmy said he walked up to Hulk talking on his cell phone and assumed the person next to him was his agent, but turned out to be a fan that handed him the phone to say hi to his family.
Hulk pointed out Nick with his ‘albino mohawk’ and Jimmy questioned his driving on the show, to which Hulk responded with a ‘shh.’ He said Nick now had his permit at 15 and was driving legally and preceded to point out Linda and Brooke. Jimmy brought up how Hulk plants a GPS in Brooke’s car and “that’s why ‘Hogan Knows Best’ is the best show on television other than Jimmy Kimmel.” Hulk then mentioned his policy of letting Nick date freely at 15 and restricting Brooke’s dating at 17 since boys are different than girls. He goofed by saying, “girls can’t get preg- I mean boys can’t get pregnant.” Jimmy said that they would find a way eventually. Jimmy asked how Brooke felt about all this and she said that he is overprotective but she is getting to that age where she understands her responsibilities and won’t have sex until marriage. Jimmy comments on the episode where Hulk confronts the 22 year-old and Hulk details his plan of installing a GPS in her car and having Jimmy Hart and ‘Nasty’ Brian Knobs follow her. The mention of the two men got a rise from the crowd and a ‘Nasty!’ from Linda. In a nutshell, Hulk said that he wouldn’t be seeing that guy again and Jimmy joked that he was deceased.
Jimmy asks if they have really gotten into doing the show and Hulk says yes.
He mentions that he didn’t want to do the show earlier when the Osbournes were hot and that there is something called a “21-year itch when you’re married.” He says the show has brought them all together and that they have really gotten into the cameras and have made friends with the crew. Jimmy says that they should fight the Osbournes and other reality families. Hulk says they would “kill ’em” and that the best part of having the cameras around is that he always gets the last word in.
Jimmy questions if Hulk is the main Hogan and Hulk says, “nah, my wife is the main Hogan.” Jimmy asks if the kids are bad, how does it work and do they get bodyslams? Nick says that they get “armbars, bodyslams, full nelsons, everything.” Hulk says that the family is very physical and that he taught Brooke to defend herself while Nick used to box. Jimmy says they really could kill the Osbournes and the Jackson family too. He’d love to see Linda take on LaToya.
Jimmy mentions that Hulk will be facing the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, which incites another rise from the crowd. Hulk says wrestling is like a cult in that, “once you’re in you can never get out.” Hulk mentions his induction into the Hall of Fame and that he was given 10 minutes, though the fans cheered for about 20 minutes and were screaming ‘one more match.’ He then says he picked his spot the next night at WrestleMania and ran down while the fans went crazy. He says the match at SummerSlam is like a dream match since he was the old generation and Shawn was the guy who tried to carry the ball after him and it “didn’t work out too well … there was always that jealousy thing.” He says that he will be 52 by the time SummerSlam comes and Jimmy comments on how huge he is and that he must be on steroids. Hulk says he used to be and Jimmy says he (Jimmy) has to get on them. Hulk says the last time he weighed 285 was in ninth grade but that he was always fat. He figured that training was better than real work and therefore it is an even trade off. Jimmy congratulates Hulk and the family on their success and once again plugs the show on Vh1 and SummerSlam as they go to break.
Back from the break, Hulk sticks around as they interview Jerry Ferrara (who is a good deal shorter than Hulk.) Jimmy asks if he is a Hulkamaniac and Jerry says, “who isn’t a Hulkamaniac.” He also mentions that he had the Hulkamania weight set growing up at 4 years old and Hulk remembers the blue dumbbells. Jerry said the set had dumbbells, a weight chart, and a tape of ‘Real American.’ Hulk says he brought out a tape not too long ago and couldn’t get through it. Jimmy challenges Jerry to sing the song and Jerry remembers the chorus and sings along with Hulk. Jimmy asks if Hulk will let Jerry date Brooke and Hulk asks his age. Jerry says 25 and Hulk promptly says no. They continue and finish the interview with Hulk laughing at times.
At the very end of the show, Hulk and his family are sitting on a couch with Jerry and Jimmy once again plugs ‘Hulk Knows Best’ and SummerSlam as Jack Johnson (the musical guest,) plays them off the air.
–Hulk Speaks on Hbk!!! July 29th, 2005
The whole deal is, y’know, I know Shawn is a little bit (of a) different person than he was before, where he’s found the Lord and he’s been saved and that’s all great stuff, but, at the end of the day when it comes down to business, Shawn Michaels still has that Heartbreak Kid attitude inside as far as the wrestling business goes, and from day one everybody all the way through the last 15-20 years has said Shawn Michaels is jealous of you. That’s some … that’s hard, it’s kind of pompous to accept an excuse like that, that someone’s jealous of you, but at the end of the day, he kind of is, I mean. It’s something that’s eating at him, it’s something that’s always ate at him. He never was the headliner at WrestleMania in front of 94,000, he never sold out Madison Square Garden 57 times like Hulk Hogan did. There are a lot of things he’ll never do, at places I went that he’s never been. This is like his one shot to even the score up, his one shot to say Shawn Michaels is really the Show Stopper, or whatever he thinks he is, and it’s kind of like a jealousy thing, so at the end of the day he can do all his personal stuff that he wants and tell everyone how great of a person he is, but as far as the wrestling business goes, it was a straight-out cheap shot and that’s where he’s coming from – the lower tier, or the bottom-feeder position, so, at the end of the day, I have a feeling that he bit off a little bit more than he’s ready for.”
–WHATCHA GONNA DO HBK? July 20, 2005
Hulk Hogan would accept Shawn Michaels’ challenge for a match at SummerSlam. The Philadelphia crowd went crazy when the Hulkster hit to the ring, greeting him with a deafening “Hogan” chant. Hogan admitted that Shawn Michaels got his attention, but he didn’t want to answer the challenge without being face-to-face with HBK. Shawn Michaels came out to the rampway, but decided not to go to the ring, saying that if he did he might knock Hogan out once again and deprive the people of hearing his answer. HBK reminded Hogan that immortality has a price and asked Hogan if he had what it takes to pay that price. Hogan said he has been paying the price for years and accepted the challenge. He then left Michaels with one question to think about in the weeks leading up to what will surely be a classic confrontation: “Whatcha gonna do, brother, at SummerSlam when Hulkamania destroys you?!
–Major problems with my server!!! July 12, 2005
Hey Hulkamaniacs, i would just like to inform u that MY server, UKIP was hit with a huge bug which wiped out all my hard work and i have had to start all over again. This may take me a very long time to get everything back up but i will get there. There might not be alot up at this stage, but its a start… Ill keep the news on hulk updated regualar and also keep u informed on future updates on pictures and media files.. Sorry about this huge problem guys….
–HBK challenges Hogan for SummerSlam July 11, 2005 
Last week, Shawn Michaels shocked the world and laid out the “Immortal” Hulk Hogan with a dose of Sweet Chin Music. One week later, Chris Jericho and Carlito argued over who would get to interview HBK and find out the reason for the dastardly deed, but they were interrupted. None other than WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper announced that he would have HBK later in the evening and it wouldn’t be on the Highlight Reel or the Cabana – it would be on the legendary Piper’s Pit. As RAW was drawing to a close, Piper delivered on his promise and brought HBK to explain his actions from last week. Michaels told the fans that for 20 years he came out with one intention – to give the fans something they wouldn’t forget. He said he literally broke his back for them, and when he heard the chants at the Hall of Fame ceremony of “One more match!” for Hogan, he decided to sacrifice himself one more time for the fans. By giving Hogan Sweet Chin Music last week, he said he guaranteed that Hogan would have one more match and that it would be against HBK himself. With that, Michaels said that immortality has a price and laid out the challenge to Hogan – The “Immortal” Hulk Hogan vs. The Showstopper Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam. Before Michaels left, however, Piper demanded to know the real reason for blindsiding the Hulkster. HBK tried to leave again, but Piper called him a coward. With that, just as swiftly and unexpectedly as last week, HBK laid out another Hall of Famer as he floored Hot Rod with Sweet Chin Music.
–Hulk Hogan Speaks On His Reality TV Show, Working Injured & More !!! – July 10th, 2005 VH1 has filled its slate full of voyeuristic reality shows, having just given the greenlight to series going behind-the-scenes of two celebrity families and one that scours America to cast a new male dance troupe.
Hogan Knows Best takes cameras into the home of Hulk Hogan, the world famous wrestler and very “red state” suburban dad who lives on a 20,000-square-foot estate in Florida with wife Linda, 16 year-old daughter Brooke, who he won’t allow to date, and 14 year-old son Nick, who wants to be a race car driver. The show promises to take you “inside the Hogan household as Hulk and Linda wrestle with being PG parents in an increasingly R-rated world.”
Hogan Knows Best is a production of VH1 in conjunction with Pink Sneakers. Kimberly Belcher Cowin serves as executive producer, along with John Ehrhard as producer and Scott Bennett as director and co-producer for Pink Sneakers. Warren Cohen serves as senior producer, along with Brad Abramson, Michael Hirschorn and Shelly Tatro as executive producers for VH1.
Being Bonaduce takes a look into the relationship between Danny Bonaduce and his wife Gretchen. Meeting and marrying seven hours into their first date, the Bonaduces, who have been together for fifteen years, have faced addiction, infidelity and Danny’s “death wish” antics. Told through a combination of couples therapy and reality, the series offers a fly-on-the-wall look at their life-altering breakthroughs, mundane frustrations, modern-day romance and endless eccentricities involved. |